Isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide are administered in combination for at least 6 months in pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) -one of the first causes of death worldwide- and represent the first-line antituberculotic drugs, with different mechanisms of action, efficacy and toxicity. The susceptibility of the mycobacterial subpopulations to chemotherapy can be affected in immunocompromised patients so a systemic infection, post-primary, latent or even multi-drug resistant is then activated. There is an urgent need to develop new drugs or to repurpose existing ones, that have not yet been tested for their antimycobacterial activity. Moreover, the only available antitubercular vaccine does not imply protection against adult lung active TB, the most prevalent form. Additionally, the only new antitubercular agents approved in the last years - bedaquiline and delamanid - have not provided satisfactory results in eradicating this ancient disease. Recent studies have shown surprising information regarding the use of statins in TB, indicating that they limit the mycobacterial growth by promoting autophagy and apoptosis in macrophages and by inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol, the precursor of the virulence factors. Other new findings in TB management include the beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation, with increased healing rates, high bacterial toxicity and the observed decrease of resistant strain selection, when using phenothiazines in co-administration with isoniazid.
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