The work conditions of nurses have a significant impact on the practice of nursing. Suboptimal working conditions can be attributed to insufficient workplace structure, substandard organization of tasks, inadequate training, and unsuitable staffing policies. Materials and methods: This research sought to analyze the factors that influence the work conditions of nurses by employing the practice conditions scale of the Nursing Work Index (NWI). The validation of the NWI was conducted, utilizing nurse-reported job features as the independent variables. A total of 746 nurses from hospitals located in North - East Region of Romania were included in the sample. The Nurse Forecasting (RN4CAST) protocol was implemented for data collection. Results: The NWI construct was accounted for by 42.9% through factors such as “Advancement opportunities”, ‘Learning opportunities’, ‘Satisfaction with current job’, ‘Professional status’, and ‘Level of education’. An analysis of the NWI revealed the presence of distinct variables within a five-factor structure. The mean score achieved on the Nursing Work Index was observed to be among the least favorable in comparison to earlier survey findings. Conclusions: It is imperative for nurses to be acknowledged as peers within the healthcare sector, thereby requiring empowerment for professional growth and access to career advancement prospects. Furthermore, the significance of inter-professional relationships and equitable participation of nurses in hospital matters cannot be understated.
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