Information For Authors

Instructions for authors

The Medical-Surgical Journal of the Society of Physicians and Naturalists Iasi (MSJ) publishes only original research articles (basic sciences and clinical research). Articles that have been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere, except for those published in conference proceedings in abstract form, are not accepted.

MSJ is published in English (online and printed).


Manuscripts should meet the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), available on http://www.icmje-recommendations.

All manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter which should include the following information:

  1. the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors;
  2. its publication has been approved by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out;
  3. the article has not been published and is not under consideration for publication anywhere else;
  4. the authors accept the unconditioned and complete transfer of the copyright to the Medical-Surgical Journal of the Physicians and Naturalists Society from Iasi;
  5. the authors assume entirely the responsibility regarding the un-ethical scientific conduct, including plagiarism;
  6. the authors will reveal any conflict of interest concerning the manuscript;
  7. the authors followed the provisions regarding the rights of the human participation and animals in research, in the studies sent for publishing to the Medical-Surgical Journal of the Physicians and Naturalist Society from Iasi (details at


Manuscript preparation (elaborated in English language) will be in accordance with instructions published in: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (1994) Lancet 1996, 348, V2; 1-4.

Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman 12 points, single-spaced. All pages should be numbered consecutively (in the bottom, right-hand corner) and include continuous line numbering.

Abbreviations should not be used excessively and explained at first appearance in the text.

Manuscripts should not exceed for original articles - 6 pages/2,500 words.

The journal reserves the right to make any further formatting and other layout changes. Rejected manuscripts are not returned.

Title and authors

The title should be as short as possible, eloquently for the content of the manuscript. Authors' names will be written in letters of all, the first name preceding the last name: male author first names will be abbreviated and female author first name will be written without abbreviation. The affiliation will include the institution (University, Faculty / Hospital) and section (Department) for each author. Authors must mention below the references the corresponding author and the contact information (e-mail address).

 Abstract (original research)

Abstract will contain:

Special recommendations

  • Clear objectives of the study
  • Extract key elements from each stage of the study to be presented as focused
  • Description of material and methods used
    (concise and clear)

In the abstract, will not be included:

  • tables, figures and bibliographic notes
  • information which are not presented in the study
  • more than 250 words
  • The results (most importantly, cast, if possible, numerically and statistically evaluated)
  • Most important conclusions and their scientific significance

As articles are published in English, they must be written according to international requirements.  The abstract should be preceded by the title of the article, translated into English, in capital letters followed by the word (Abstract), according to the following model:

NEUROLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS IN COLLAGEN DISEASES (Abstract) Collagen disease is ... (still follow the written text, not aligned). At the end of the abstract list 3-5 keywords written in capital letters.

Subtitles should be written in capital letters.

Figures and tables

Figures and tables should be inserted in the text balanced.

Each figure or table should be accompanied by the title and legend.

Figures, numbered with Arabic numerals, will have a width of 6.5 cm (to fit in one column) or 13.5 cm (to fit on both columns) and will be mentioned in the text in parenthesis characters straight (fig. 1).

Figures must meet the following conditions:

  • Color photos must be scanned at a resolution of 600 dpi and uploaded as original files (*.TIFF, *.JPG);
  • Images (color drawings and charts) mentioned in the text must be uploaded as original files (*.XLS, *.CDR). Images should be minimally processed. The only acceptable adjustments are for the size, contrast and brightness; arrows, scales and other marks, aimed to identify some points of interest, are also allowed and should be accompanied by an adequate legend. The image changes susceptible to alter their significance are not accepted.

The title and figure legend should be written in the form:

Fig. 2. The results of molecular cloning

Tables (written in Arial Narrow) will be numbered with Roman numerals mentioned in the text in parentheses (tab. III), will be inserted in the text and have a width of 6.5 cm and 13.5 cm, without exceeding the width of a page. The table title, written in capital letters, formatted left-to-right will be positioned above the table in the form:


Comparative analytical data

References (in capital letters)

References must be numbered with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text (not in alphabetical order). Reference citation according to Vancouver style, should be placed at the end of the article and will include only references cited in the text (by mentioning the reference number in parenthesis). Abbreviation of journal titles will be made according INDEX MEDICUS.

If an article has a maximum of 6 authors, all names will be listed.

In case of 7 or more authors only the first names will be listed followed by et al.

We accept these forms of references writing:

  1. Magazine articles:

Amura SG. Neurotransmitter transporter: recent progress. Ann Rev Neurosci 1993; 16: 73-93.

Tonis PJ von Sandick JW, Nieweg OE et al. The hidden sentinel node in breast cancer. Eur J Med 2002; 29: 305-311.

  1. Books

            Title of a book:

Ashcroft FM. Ion channels and disease. San Diego, London: Academic Press, 2000.

            Books - Chapter in a book:

Pandiom MR, Fischer DA. Immunoradiometric assays. In: CG Scabes editor. Handbook of Endocrine Research Techniques. New York, London: Academic Press, 1993, 26-52.



After registration to the Society of Physicians and Naturalists, fee payment at the bank, specific corrections of the Journal, including English grammar, the manuscripts will be submitted electronically to

(only .docx files are accepted).

The minimum time interval from submission to publication is 180  days. The submission date will be mentioned in the published article.


Once an article is accepted for publication, MSJ requests a transfer of copyrights for published articles.

The copyright form will be signed by the corresponding author.



Due to the costs related to editing, printing, and web design, manuscripts that are accepted for publication include a PUBLISHING FEE (on the account RO72RNCB0175033604340001).

  1. Applicants from Iasi University Center and from other regions of the country, any professional category - 300 RON / year
  2. Applicants from other countries - free of charge.

Evaluation stages of articles for publishing 

  1. Manuscripts are sent to the editorial in the conditions mentioned in the instructions for authors.
  2. Recording articles with a serial number and mentioning the date on which they were received.
  3. Distribution of articles by editors specialized in weekly meetings of the editorial board of the editor or one of the deputy chief editors with editorial secretary general, according to their subject: internal medicine - pediatrics, surgery, basic sciences, preventive medicine - laboratory, dental medicine, pharmacy, bioengineering. Specialized editor name is noted on the article as a three letter code for anonymity subsequent evaluation stages.
  4. If the Editor in chief, deputy chief editors or specialized editor finds a manuscript clearly do not meet the conditions of publication article will be rejected.
  5. Rejection is communicated to the authors of an article in a letter signed by editor in chief, stating the reasons for rejection. The main reasons for rejection of an article are:
            • evidence of a breach Instructions for authors;
            • serious errors of the scientific content;
            • an improvised reference list;
            • clear evidence of non-compliance of ethics and bioethics;
            • the subject is not of interest to the journal profile or same topics were recently published in this journal.
  1. Accepted articles are checked by a professional editor in terms of strict observance of the Guidelines for Authors, scientific style, correct references, figures and tables. Observations are communicated to the author, who is obliged to resolve all errors reported within 14 days.
  2. Peer-review is conducted by two experts in the field, whose name is known only by the editor, deputy chief editors and general editorial secretary . Experts are chosen so as not to come from the same University and have no direct business relationship with the authors. Specialists are required to submit assessment within two weeks and these observations are sent to the authors, who are required to respond within 7 days. If these two specialist assessments differ significantly, a third expert will be asked to make another  peer-review.
  3. Manuscript, with changes made by the authors, is returned to the two experts, who are asked to submit their views in 7 days. If specialists believe that the author failed to resolve the issues raised, the article is rejected for publication. After that the final decision will be communicated to the author.
    In addition to evaluating peer-review, publishing articles comply with the following rules:
            • an author can not sign two papers as first author in the same issue of the journal;
            • the priority of publication depends on the coverage of the various sections of the magazine.     

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.